Meet the father of modern missions and see how he persevered in India despite incredible sorrows and opposition.
A film and curriculum guide on the life and ministry of William Carey, the "Father of Modern Missions."
This set of four DVDs from the award-winning Torchlighters series of animated DVDs for children, highlights four historic missionary heroes: Samuel Morris, Jim Elliot, Gladys Aylward and Amy Carmichael.
The story of how the Gospel of John changed the course of history for a tribe of headhunters. This is the story of Rochunga's personal pilgrimage. It is an unforgettable saga of his dedication to a vision and of the Lord's direction in his life. Filmed in India, Hawaii, Scotland and America, this beautiful film will be enjoyed by the entire family.
Set includes Beyond The Next Mountain and Candle In The Dark.
As little Preena is snatched away from the most gentle woman she has seen in months, she wonders how she will ever again find a way out of the temple, where she is held against her will. How will she find the missionary known as Amy Carmichael, the one who wears a cross and serves a different sort of God? Meanwhile, Amy is also consumed by the awful truth she has learned about the plight of the “temple girls.” Will Amy’s faithful determination be enough to free Preena from the powerful customs and superstitions that keep her hostage?
The story of how the Gospel of John changed the course of history for a tribe of headhunters in india. The story of Rochunga's personal pilgrimage, is an unforgettable saga of his dedication to a vision and of the Lord's direction in his life.
The life and ministry of William Carey, the "Father of Modern Missions," dramatically illustrates how a life dedicated to God and obedient to His calling can make a profound difference in the world.
Amy Carmichael is consumed by the awful truth she has learned about the plight of the “temple girls” of India. Will Amy’s faithful determination be enough to free these girls from the powerful Indian customs and superstitions that keep them hostage?