A Biblically-based, six-session multimedia program that empowers parents to have healthy, ongoing conversations with their kids about love, sex, and relationships.
Alternate formats: Digital Video - $4.99
The Whole Sex TalkTM is a Biblically-based, six-session multimedia program that empowers parents to have healthy, ongoing conversations with their kids about love, sex, and relationships. The sessions utilize poignant short films, mini documentaries, graphics and animations, brutally honest parent and teen testimonials, expert panel interviews, roundtable discussions, and more.
Session 1 - Talking With Our Kids
Session 2 - Confronting the Past
Session 3 - Pregnancy and Abortion
Session 4 - Spiritual and Emotional Consequences
Session 5 - Dating and Relationships
Session 6 - Image Bearers at Heart
Each session is approximately one-half hour .
Includes optional English subtitles and 54-page guide in PDF
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