The Monarch, known as the King of butterflies, goes through 4 life cycles, the egg, the larvae, (caterpillar), the pupa (chrysalis), and the adult butterfly. In March and April, the eggs are laid on the milkweed plants in North America. However, Monarch butterflies cannot survive cold weather, so they migrate in October or sooner to Mexico and Southern California. Monarch butterflies are the only insects that travel 2500 miles away from their birthplace. Learn more about Monarch butterflies in this beautifully-filmed documentary.
The Monarch, known as the King of butterflies, goes through 4 life cycles, the egg, the larvae, (caterpillar), the pupa (chrysalis), and the adult butterfly. In March and April, the eggs are laid on the milkweed plants in North America. However, Monarch butterflies cannot survive cold weather, so they migrate in October or sooner to Mexico and Southern California. Monarch butterflies are the only insects that travel 2500 miles away from their birthplace. Learn more about Monarch butterflies in this beautifully-filmed documentary.
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