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Christian History Magazine #145 - Erasmus: Christ’s humanist

  • Item 4916
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book
  • Running Time: 48 pg.

How much do you know about Erasmus? You might know that he disagreed with Luther, but there is more to this sixteenth century thinker than that! Discover the church reformer, Renaissance humanist, and faithful Catholic who desired to follow the “philosophy of Christ.”

$6.00 $6.00
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Christian History Magazine #146 - Christ and Culture in Russia

  • Item 4919
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book
  • Running Time: 56 pg.

Join Christian History as we tackle the history of Orthodoxy in Russia and look at the deep and complex context of the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. Discover the last few centuries of Orthodoxy in Russia with this crucial follow-up to our 1988 issue #18, The Millennium of “Russian” Christianity.

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Christian History Magazine #147 - Everyday Life in the Early Church

  • Item 4920
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book
  • Running Time: 48 pg.

What did everyday faith look like in the early church? Walk with the followers of the Way as they lived out their beliefs in the Roman world, and learn how their pursuit of godliness can speak into our own.

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Christian History Magazine #148 - Lilias Trotter

  • Item 4921
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book
  • Running Time: 48 pgs

Lilias Trotter left behind the world of Victorian art and fame to serve God in Algiers. You may not know her name, but she left her mark on both the 19th century art world and North African missions. Meet this unsung missionary and artist in this issue of CH.

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Christian History Magazine #149 - Revival: The first thousand years

  • Item 4922
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book
  • Running Time: 56 pgs.

This issue, the first in a three-part series, looks at the big picture of renewal and the marks of revival in church history, starting in an unexpected time– the High Middle Ages. Join us for an in-depth view of medieval revival in issue #149 of CH.

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Christian History Magazine #150 - Stories worth retelling

  • Item 4923
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book
  • Running Time: 56 pgs

Find out what makes Christian History Christian history in this special issue. Rediscover with us stories worth retelling– stories that have captured the imagination and interest of our readers throughout the years and the eras of the church. Don’t miss this fascinating issue of readers’ favorites from 150 editions of CH.

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Christian History Magazine #151 - Revivals II

  • Item 4924
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book

Second in our series on revival, this issue of CH covers historical revivals from the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries, with a special focus on First and Second Great Awakenings.

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Christian History Magazine #21 - Caspar Schwenckfeld: Forgotten Reformer

  • Item 98029
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book

Christian History Magazine featuring Caspar Schwenckfeld: Forgotten Reformer

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Christian History Magazine #33 - Christianity and the Civil War

  • Item 98027
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book

Christian History Magazine featuring Christianity and the Civil War

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Christian History Magazine #69 - Wesleys: Charles and John

  • Item 98018
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book

Christian History Magazine featuring Wesleys: Charles and John

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Christian History Magazine #93 - St. Benedict & Western Monasticism

  • Item 98007
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book

Christian History Magazine featuring St. Benedict & Western Monasticism

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Christian History Magazine #101: Healthcare and Hospitals

  • Item 97938
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book
  • Running Time: 38 Pages

Christian History Magazine featuring Healthcare and Hospitals in the mission of the Church

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Christian History Magazine #107: Charles Darwin

  • Item 501562
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book
  • Running Time: 48 pgs

Issue #107 of the Christian History magazine examines the responses of 19th century Christians to the challenge of Darwinian evolution. Read about the reactions of theologians, scientists, pastors, authors, bishops, and politicians as they grapple with the questions of Darwinism in many and diverse ways—ranging from hostility to reconciliation—and learn how Darwinism eventually became a symbol of warfare between science and Christianity.

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Christian History Magazine #108: Charlemagne

  • Item 501576
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book

Step behind the legend and inside the life and reign of “Charles the Great” in this issue of Christian History magazine. Charlemagne revived the Roman Empire in the West and spread Christian civilization across Europe. The scholars in his court preserved the basis of Western culture for generations. And he lived on in legend as the ideal Christian king.

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Christian History Magazine #109: Persecution

  • Item 501594
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book
  • Running Time: 60 pgs

CHM 109: Eyewitness to the Modern Age of Persecution. From China to Nigeria to Peru, modern Christians have suffered like the earliest followers of Christ. This special issue of Christian History magazine tells the inspiring stories of believers who stood with Christ in the face of persecution during the last hundred years. This is a special expanded issue with a large pull out map and first person testimonies. "Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering." (Hebrews 13:3)

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Christian History Magazine #110: Work and Vocation

  • Item 501613
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book

Christians have wrestled with what it means to be called to their work by God and what work God calls us to since the beginning of the church. This issue of Christian History shares the stories of famous Christians who have tried to remain faithful to their vocations, explores how the church has helped and sometimes hindered followers in their callings, and reminds us that all work, not just “church work,” is a sacred calling.

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Christian History Magazine #111 - Billy Graham

  • Item 501614
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book
  • Running Time: 48 pgs.

Billy Graham’s message changed millions, but in the course of his career, his experiences broadened, deepened, chastened, and changed him profoundly. Learn the story behind the man some have called the greatest evangelist since the New Testament Era in this issue of Christian History.

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Christian History Magazine #112 - Heaven

  • Item 501626
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book

Bright lights, glorious sky, clouds, harps and song, choirs of angels, dancing, a garden, a pasture, walls and ladders, gates, a temple, living waters...Christians through the centuries have pictured heaven in many ways through art, music, literature, and theological writings. They have debated who goes to heaven, when and how we go, and whether we stop off in purgatory on the way. Read about it all in this issue of Christian History on Heaven in the Christian Imagination.

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Christian History Magazine 113 - Seven Literary Sages

  • Item 501635
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book
  • Running Time: 56 pages

Seven Christian authors who gave us cheerful hobbits, wise old women, sharp-witted detectives, and one memorable lion gave us something more: a vision for all of life. Meet George MacDonald, G. K. Chesterton, J. R. R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Dorothy L. Sayers, Charles Williams, and Owen Barfield in Christian History magazine 113: Seven Literary Sages.

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Christian History Magazine #114 - Francis Asbury and the Methodists

  • Item 501642
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book

Dynamic worship, energetic circuit-riding preachers, and a close-up, personal style of leadership made Methodism a movement perfectly suited to bring the word of God to the new nation of America. And Francis Asbury led the way, rising from unremarkable working-class metalworker to bishop of a denomination stretching over a continent.

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Christian History Magazine #115: Martin Luther and the Reformation

  • Item 501653
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book

The first issue of Christian History magazine's series of four on the Reformation explores the roots and fruits of reform. On a quiet October Wednesday in 1517, a young Augustinian monk and theology professor, with one nail to the Wittenberg Castle door, struck a death blow to medieval Catholicism. That’s the story we think we know of Martin Luther, his 95 Theses, and the beginning of the Reformation. But is it the whole story?

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Christian History Magazine #116 - 25 Writings that Changed the Church and the World

  • Item 501671
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book

The Bible is the most important Christian book (collection of books actually), but it’s not the only Christian book. This issue of Christian History features the fascinating stories behind the top 25 writings in Church history, selected by more than 70 past writers of the magazine. From Augustine and Aquinas to Bonhoeffer and Barth, this is a veritable primer on what to read, why to read it, and how we got it.

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Christian History Magazine #117 - The Surprising Quakers

  • Item 4874
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book

Quakers are known for their silent meetings and simple living, but we’ll uncover surprising stories of charismatic leaders, fervent social activism, and even a few bold Quakers who went naked as a prophetic sign in this issue of Christian History magazine.

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Christian History Magazine #118 - The People's Reformation

  • Item 4875
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Book

It didn’t take long for the ideas of Luther, Zwingli, and many others to ignite a sea change in society at large: peasants revolting, priests and nuns marrying, church art destroyed, heretics on both sides persecuted by church and state, and a philandering king whose search for a male heir would birth the Church of England. Read about one of the most turbulent eras of all of history in issue #118, The People’s Reformation, the second in our Reformation series.

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