About Miracles features four dramatic, true stories about modern day miracles. Told by the actual people involved and featuring gripping reenactments, these stories will amaze you as they strengthen your faith.
An illiterate farm boy asks why Christianity is true, and no one seems to have the answers. His journey to finding those answers leads him to become a worldwide leader who affects the Christian faith in a mighty way.
Embark on a journey to distant worlds in this fascinating presentation that attempts to answer questions on the origins and meaning of the universe.
What proof do we have that the resurrection really happened? This intriguing documentary digs deep into the biblical and historical accounts and explores the main theories: Did the disciples steal the body? Did they hallucinate and only imagine they had met the risen Jesus or did they create a myth in order to keep the movement going? Scholars take a hard look and offer honest, thought-provoking answers. The Third Day is an excellent resource for both skeptics and believers alike.
Here is an amazing story of hope from the horrific massacre at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, where many innocent lives were lost. One of those was Rachel Joy Scott, mercilessly murdered for her faith in God.
About Miracles features four dramatic, true stories about modern day miracles. Told by the actual people involved and featuring gripping reenactments, these stories will amaze you as they strengthen your faith.
Here’s a study that’s ideal for Christians who want historical proof of Jesus’ existence to go along with their faith or to share with skeptics. Noted biblical scholars examine literature, history, and archeology to show that evidence for the existence of Jesus is stronger than for any other ancient historical person.
Was Judas Iscariot really a traitor or was he the spiritual hero recorded in the Gnostic Gospels? Just what is the origin of the Gnostic gospels and are they reliable? Why did the early church reject its views? These and many other questions are answered in this five part Bible based series which uncovers the truth behind the “secrets” of Gnosticism.
A series every young person should see. This stimulating seven-part series shows what has happened to our culture over the past 200 years and how we view life today. The implication for our future and your life are enormous and unavoidable. Winner of the World Medal at the New York Festival.
Embark on a journey to distant worlds in this fascinating presentation that attempts to answer questions on the origins and meaning of the universe.
Many people say they would like to become a Christian believer but cannot because of some insurmountable stumbling block. This program presents the most common ones: hypocrisy, intolerance, science, suffering, and sacrifice.
Towards Belief is a 10 episode series addressing the top belief blockers of our time – the most frequently cited reasons that many have lost confidence in the Church and its message. Featuring interviews with over 30 leading academics, apologists, authors and pastors including, Professor John Lennox, Erwin McManus, Os Guiness, Nicky Gumble, Joel A’Bell and many others.
Towards Belief is a 10 episode series addressing the top belief blockers of our time – the most frequently cited reasons that many have lost confidence in the Church and its message. Featuring interviews with over 30 leading academics, apologists, authors and pastors including, Professor John Lennox, Erwin McManus, Os Guiness, Nicky Gumble, Joel A’Bell and many others.
Here is an amazing story of hope from the horrific massacre at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, where many innocent lives were lost. One of those was Rachel Joy Scott, mercilessly murdered for her faith in God.
What proof do we have that the resurrection really happened? This intriguing documentary digs deep into the biblical and historical accounts and explores the main theories: Did the disciples steal the body? Did they hallucinate and only imagine they had met the risen Jesus or did they create a myth in order to keep the movement going? Scholars take a hard look and offer honest, thought-provoking answers. The Third Day is an excellent resource for both skeptics and believers alike.
What proof do we have that the resurrection really happened? This intriguing documentary digs deep into the biblical and historical accounts and explores the main theories: Did the disciples steal the body? Did they hallucinate and only imagine they had met the risen Jesus or did they create a myth in order to keep the movement going? Scholars take a hard look and offer honest, thought-provoking answers. The Third Day is an excellent resource for both skeptics and believers alike.
Who is the real Jesus? Did the church in the fourth century change the true message of the Gospel? Was Jesus married? What are the Gnostic Gospels? Did Leonardo Da Vinci plant secret messages in his paintings? These and other questions are answered in this fascinating Bible-based video comparing the Christ of Scripture with the Jesus of The Da Vinci Code. This series presents the historical and Biblical facts that refute the errors and distortions popularized by The Da Vinci Code.