This crucial series is narrated by the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer and former Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop.
Here is an amazing story of hope from the horrific massacre at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, where many innocent lives were lost. One of those was Rachel Joy Scott, mercilessly murdered for her faith in God.
What proof do we have that the resurrection really happened? This intriguing documentary digs deep into the biblical and historical accounts and explores the main theories: Did the disciples steal the body? Did they hallucinate and only imagine they had met the risen Jesus or did they create a myth in order to keep the movement going? Scholars take a hard look and offer honest, thought-provoking answers. The Third Day is an excellent resource for both skeptics and believers alike.
THE TRUE SUMMIT calls men to the inward journey and the inescapable reality that the change we seek can only be found in a Christ-centered community.
This incredibly compelling and remastered documentary describes what the Star of Bethlehem really was.
Includes three documentaries on Jesus: The Jesus Accounts; Jesus: Dead and Buried?; and Jesus: Son of God?
Experience the wonders of Christmas more fully. From the Annunciation in Nazareth to the Nativity in Bethlehem, the story is full of insight and joy. The film includes ancient traditions, biblical sites and ancient chants. Filmed on the actual locations in the Holy Land, this is the complete Christmas story.
To some, Scientology is a bona fide religion based upon rigorous research and its doctrines are akin to universal scientific laws. But to others, including some former members, Scientology is a cult whose so-called doctrines are nothing more than ridiculous science-fiction stories invented by founder, L. Ron Hubbard. What is the truth about Scientology? Find out in this compelling documentary that takes you inside the walls of this controversial organization.
The untold testimony of Tim Mahoney, the creator of the award-winning films series, Patterns of Evidence.
Filmmaker Timothy Mahoney completes his 20-year search for the true location of the mountain where God gave the ten commandments.
In the first of this two-part series, filmmaker Timothy Mahoney investigates three of the six most popular locations proposed for Mount Sinai.
Most archaeologists today have concluded that there’s no evidence that the Exodus of Israelite slaves from Egypt ever happened. Filmmaker Timothy Mahoney embarks on a 12-year journey around the world to search for answers. Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus unlocks the mystery of this ancient saga, combining a scientific investigation with a retelling of the Exodus story to reveal an amazing pattern of evidence matching the biblical account that may challenge our understanding of history.
This set of six Patterns of Evidence DVDs includes Exodus, The Moses Controversy, The Red Sea Miracle Part I, The Red Sea Miracle Part 2, Journey to Mount Sinai Part 1, and Journey to Mount Sinai Part 2.
This set of four Patterns of Evidence DVDs includes Exodus, The Moses Controversy, The Red Sea Miracle Part I, and The Red Sea Miracle Part 2.
Embark on a journey to distant worlds in this fascinating presentation that attempts to answer questions on the origins and meaning of the universe.
The Monarch, known as the King of butterflies, goes through 4 life cycles, the egg, the larvae, (caterpillar), the pupa (chrysalis), and the adult butterfly. In March and April, the eggs are laid on the milkweed plants in North America. However, Monarch butterflies cannot survive cold weather, so they migrate in October or sooner to Mexico and Southern California. Monarch butterflies are the only insects that travel 2500 miles away from their birthplace. Learn more about Monarch butterflies in this beautifully-filmed documentary.
An illiterate farm boy asks why Christianity is true, and no one seems to have the answers. His journey to finding those answers leads him to become a worldwide leader who affects the Christian faith in a mighty way.
This Bible study examines the group’s origins (Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, Brigham Young, and others); the discrepancy between Mormon beliefs and orthodox Christian teaching; the meaning of its rituals (baptism of the dead, endowments for the living and dead, temple garments, celestial marriage); and the prominence of the temple.
This documentary takes you on an interdisciplinary journey with neuroscientists, philosophers, and theologians.
For decades, a phenomenon has been recurring in the Muslim world. Men and women — without any knowledge of the Gospel and without any contact with Christians — have been forever transformed after experiencing dreams and visions of Jesus Christ. Here are five such stories of former Muslims who now know Jesus as their Savior, recreated in docu-drama format. View in their original languages with English, or dubbed in English with optional subtitles.
The year 2011 marked the 400th anniversary of the creation of the King James Bible. Award-winning director Jerry Griffith brings to life the fascinating history of this great work, along with its impact for us today.
For centuries Christians have been declaring that Jesus is the Son of God. It’s a bold statement—and one that bears questioning. When did all this begin? How could men and women, who believed in one God, think that God had a Son? What does ‘Son of God’ actually mean? Did Jesus himself have anything to say on the matter? Filmed in Turkey and the UK, our host asks questions and presents answers to these searching questions. Jesus, Son of God? sets out on a journey to discover when, where and how this vital Christian belief originated.