Amy Stronghold, a homeless hustler, must get off the streets, hold a job, move to the strange land of suburbia and find God before her daughter is lost to her forever.
A young man's perspective is challenged when he learns that his estranged father is dying. Now he must face the truth before his bitterness destroys him. Featuring Antoine McKay (Empire) and Mimi Sagadin, (Return to the Hiding Place)
When faith takes root, life blossoms. Kris Kivi is an everyday man who has lost his family to a tragic accident and his job to the recession. Forced to play his guitar on the streets for donations, Kris must overcome harassment from a small town gang as well as prejudice from members of a local church.
Set includes two dramas on the legacy of fathers. Inheritance, starring Andrew Cheney and Robert Miano and He Sends Rain. These two titles would make a great Father’s Day Gift.
There is life after the storm. A young man's perspective is challenged when he learns that his estranged father is dying. Now he must face the truth before his bitterness destroys him. Featuring Antoine McKay (Empire) and Mimi Sagadin, (Return to the Hiding Place)
Sabina K. is a powerful story based on true events, about a woman's desperate plight to save herself and her children in the most brutal of circumstances. Directed by Cristóbal Krusen. Viewer discretion advised due to mature themes. In Bosnian with English subtitles.
Kris Kivi is an everyday man who has lost his family to a tragic accident and his job to the recession. Forced to play his guitar on the streets for donations, Kris must overcome harassment from a small town gang as well as prejudice from members of a local church.
Academy Award winning actor Louis Gossett, Jr. stars in this gritty drama which poignantly illustrates the everyday opportunities we have to rebuild relationships and heal deep wounds with grace and forgiveness.