Introduce children to the story of Augustine, who rejected fame and fortune to become a voice for truth.
The fiery monk whose 95 Theses sparked the Reformation. In a world ruled by the church, all it took was one little nail, one well-written scroll, and one sharp-tongued monk to turn everything upside-down! Martin Luther didn’t mean to spark the Reformation with his 95 Theses, but his realization that salvation comes through faith and not works ignited the revolution that changed the world.
Introduce children to the story of Corrie ten Boom, who helped protect Jews from the Nazi regime during World War II. An amazing story of courage, sacrifice, and forgiveness.
Pressure to follow public opinion couldn't get much stronger. National hero Eric Liddell is Scotland's pride and joy. The entire country is eager for their running celebrity to sprint past the rest of the world and bring home Olympic gold in the 100-meter race. But when Eric makes the stunning announcement that he won't race on Sunday because of his religious convictions, he is soon labeled a disgrace and a traitor. See how Eric's famous stand during the 1924 Olympics prepares him for even greater challenges as a missionary to China during World War II.
The missionary who led 100 orphans 100 miles to safety through war-torn China.
John Bunyan spends his days in prison, separated from his wife and children. Living in the cold, stone cell is the price he pays for going against the established state religion. If only he would agree to stop preaching, John could walk out a free man! Why does he choose to stay in jail, and how will he serve his Lord in this wretched place? Find out in this episode of The Torchlighters.
It is the year AD 203 in Carthage, North Africa. Perpetua, an affluent young mother, is charged with converting to Christianity and is sent to prison. But her freedom can be secured easily. All she has to do is offer one pinch of incense in honor to the Roman gods. What will her decision be? This episode of Torchlighters: Heroes of the Faith presents one of the most influential, true stories of the Early Church.
In war-torn Romania, there is only one way for churches to get the protection of the government: give their support and allegiance to the communists who are in control. Instead, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand chooses to speak up for Christ, thereby placing his own life and the lives of his family in great danger. When Richard’s choice lands him in a communist prison, his faith and witness are tested to the limits. See how this Torchlighter’s amazing story continues to impact the world today.
As little Preena is snatched away from the most gentle woman she has seen in months, she wonders how she will ever again find a way out of the temple, where she is held against her will. How will she find the missionary known as Amy Carmichael, the one who wears a cross and serves a different sort of God? Meanwhile, Amy is also consumed by the awful truth she has learned about the plight of the “temple girls.” Will Amy’s faithful determination be enough to free Preena from the powerful customs and superstitions that keep her hostage?
He showed us faith that works. Learn about John Wesley in this action-paced episode of The Torchlighters, featuring the founder of the Methodist movement.
William Tyndale tops King Henry VIII's "Most Wanted" list in 1535 and is being pursued across Europe by the king's bounty hunters. What is his crime? Murder? Theft? No, none of these. William Tyndale's "crime" is translating the Bible into English for the common people. Is he willing to risk his life for this cause? This episode of The Torchlighters follows William Tyndale's adventures as he works in secret, moving from town to town as a fugitive to avoid capture. Friends and allies help him along, but enemies may be lurking around any corner.
In a world ruled by the church, all it took was one little nail, one well-written scroll, and one sharp-tongued monk to turn everything upside-down! Martin Luther didn’t mean to spark the Reformation with his 95 Theses, but his realization that salvation comes through faith and not works ignited the revolution that changed the world. As Pope Leo X hounds and fights him at every turn, will Luther have the courage to stand strong—even to death? Find out with the fifteenth episode of the Torchlighters, commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation!
Amy Carmichael is consumed by the awful truth she has learned about the plight of the “temple girls” of India. Will Amy’s faithful determination be enough to free these girls from the powerful Indian customs and superstitions that keep them hostage?
National hero Eric Liddell is Scotland's pride and joy. But when Eric makes the stunning announcement that he won't race on Sunday because of his religious convictions, he is soon labeled a disgrace and a traitor. Eric's famous stand during the 1924 Olympics prepares him for even greater challenges as a missionary to China during World War II.
With World War 2 raging about her and soldiers closing in, the wounded missionary Gladys Aylward sets out on the most difficult journey of her life -- a 100-mile trek with 100 orphans to a safe haven.
John Bunyan spends his days in prison, separated from his wife and children. If only he would agree to stop preaching, then Bunyan could walk out a free man! Why does he choose to stay in jail?
It is the year AD 203 in Carthage, North Africa. Perpetua, an affluent young mother, is charged with converting to Christianity and is sent to prison. But her freedom can be secured easily with a simple offering of incense in honor to the Roman gods. What will her decision be?
In war-torn Romania, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand chooses to speak up for Christ, thereby placing his own life and the lives of his family in great danger. When Wurmbrand’s choice lands him in a communist prison, his faith and witness are tested to the limits.
William Tyndale tops King Henry VIII's "Most Wanted" list and is being pursued across Europe. What crime did Tyndale committ? William Tyndale's "crime" is translating the Bible into English for the common people. Is he willing to risk his life for this cause?