A Third Testament is presented by noted author and Christian apologist, Malcolm Muggeridge. This revealing documentary profiles Augustine, Blaise Pascal, William Blake, Soren Kierkegaard, Leo Tolstoy, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer
About Miracles features four dramatic, true stories about modern day miracles. Told by the actual people involved and featuring gripping reenactments, these stories will amaze you as they strengthen your faith.
Here’s a study that’s ideal for Christians who want historical proof of Jesus’ existence to go along with their faith or to share with skeptics. Noted biblical scholars examine literature, history, and archeology to show that evidence for the existence of Jesus is stronger than for any other ancient historical person.
Set in a courtroom, The Bible On Trial: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt examines the contributions of biblical analysis, ancient historical voices, archaeology and the testimony of first-century followers of Jesus Christ in its quest to determine the reliability and accuracy of the Bible’s message.
An insightful, four-part series comparing and contrasting Christianity and Islam.
Has the age-old stand-off between science and religion taken a new turn? This carefully researched DVD sheds helpful new light on the Creation vs. Evolution debate.
Four half-hour programs to introduce the Bible.
Part 1: The Bible Its Main Sections - Kully Dhadda Its Inspiration - Joni Eareckson Tada Its Interpretation - Ivan Fawzi Its Application - Joni Eareckson Tada Its Central Theme - Anne Graham Lotz Its Contents - Ivan Fawzi
Was Judas Iscariot really a traitor or was he the spiritual hero recorded in the Gnostic Gospels? Just what is the origin of the Gnostic gospels and are they reliable? Why did the early church reject its views? These and many other questions are answered in this five part Bible based series which uncovers the truth behind the “secrets” of Gnosticism.
A series every young person should see. This stimulating seven-part series shows what has happened to our culture over the past 200 years and how we view life today. The implication for our future and your life are enormous and unavoidable. Winner of the World Medal at the New York Festival.
This is Dr. Francis Schaeffer's spectacular series on the rise and decline of Western culture from a Christian perspective. This special edition includes an intimate in-depth interview with Francis and Edith Schaeffer, which is available only in this package. This program presents profound truths in simple language and concludes that man's only hope is a return to God's Biblical absolute — the Truth revealed in Christ through the Scriptures. Each episode focuses on a significant era of history while presenting answers to modern problems.
A carefully documented presentation of the origins of Scripture beautifully photographed in the Holy Land.
Learn how the Gospel accounts of Jesus are based on solid evidence and significant ancient manuscripts.
Our host travels to Jerusalem to see the places where Jesus himself would have walked. He sifts through the evidence of Jesus' life, death and resurrection and unpacks the reason that Jesus is called the "Lamb of God."
For centuries Christians have been declaring that Jesus is the Son of God. It’s a bold statement—and one that bears questioning. When did all this begin? How could men and women, who believed in one God, think that God had a Son? What does ‘Son of God’ actually mean? Did Jesus himself have anything to say on the matter? Filmed in Turkey and the UK, our host asks questions and presents answers to these searching questions. Jesus, Son of God? sets out on a journey to discover when, where and how this vital Christian belief originated.
The year 2011 marks the 400th anniversary of the creation of the King James Bible. Award-winning director Jerry Griffith brings to life the fascinating history of this great work, along with its impact for us today.
For centuries the best selling book in history has been either loved or hated, feared or treasured, read or ignored. Filmed in Germany, Israel and England, and using drama, documentary and powerful testimony, this program explains why the Bible is Mightier than the Sword.
For decades, a phenomenon has been recurring in the Muslim world. Men and women — without any knowledge of the Gospel and without any contact with Christians — have been forever transformed after experiencing dreams and visions of Jesus Christ. Here are five such stories of former Muslims who now know Jesus as their Savior, recreated in docu-drama format. Produced in their original languages with English subtitles.
This documentary takes you on an interdisciplinary journey with neuroscientists, philosophers, and theologians.
This Bible study examines the group’s origins (Joseph Smith, the Book of Mormon, Brigham Young, and others); the discrepancy between Mormon beliefs and orthodox Christian teaching; the meaning of its rituals (baptism of the dead, endowments for the living and dead, temple garments, celestial marriage); and the prominence of the temple.
This documentary reveals the wildlife of the river and the events in history which have endangered the Jordan River's survival.
This video examines the effect of human occupation with its resident inhabitants in the Holy Land's deserts.
This films explores the Mediterranean coast and the northern forest of the Holy Land.
Ocean Quest chronicles the story of Valley Christian Schools’ junior high and high school students as they compete in the XPRIZE Global Ocean Mapping Challenge.