Relive the time Peter spent with Jesus, from the Great Commission to the life-changing Last Supper and the garden of Gethsemane. Set in Rome in AD 67.
Ashes to Glory: An Easter Devotional on DVD takes viewers on a devotional journey from the remembrance of Ash Wednesday to the celebration of Resurrection Sunday. Each day contains a brief devotion (2-3 minutes) that reflects on a treasured song, poem, tradition, Scripture, character of the Passion story, or work of art that enhances the meaning of the season.
This television mini-series, which aired on CBS in May 2000, looks at the life of Jesus from His humble beginnings as a carpenter through His extraordinary life and the mission of His spiritual destiny. This is a superb production and should prove very helpful to stimulate interest on the part of a Biblically illiterate generation to want to know more about the Gospels and the extraordinary life, death, resurrection and meaning of Jesus.
Bruce Marchiano actúa en esta dramática producción que ayuda a los espectadores a descubrir lo que puede haber pasado durante la milagrosa travesía por el camino a Emaús. Esta es una historia que ha cautivado la imaginación de muchas generaciones.
In this episode, children will learn that by accepting Jesus' gift of forgiveness, they can receive him as Savior.
In this episode, children will learn that by accepting Jesus' gift of forgiveness, they can receive him as Savior.
Children's Easter Sampler - Set of Five - includes Bedbug Bible Gang: Easter Party Storyteller Cafe': Beyond the Manger Cherub Wings: And It Was So The Easter Promise The First Easter
From the producers of The Road to Emmaus comes an exciting new biblical drama: Come Follow Me dramatizes the relationship between Jesus and the Apostle Peter. From the day Peter heard Jesus call his name to the post-resurrection conversation in which Jesus charges Peter to “feed my sheep,” this short film beautifully illustrates Peter's transformation from fearful denier to the bold leader of the early church. This program is also a way to introduce friends to the gospel message. Starring Bruce Marchiano as Jesus and Emilio Doorgasingh as Peter.
From the producers of The Road to Emmaus comes an exciting new biblical drama: Come Follow Me dramatizes the relationship between Jesus and the Apostle Peter. From the day Peter heard the call his name to the post resurrection conversation in which Jesus charges Peter to “feed his sheep,” This short film beautifully illustrates Peter's transformation from fearful denier to the bold leader of the early church. This program is also a way to introduce friends to the gospel message. starring Bruce Marchiano as Jesus and Emilio Doorgasingh as Peter.
Here is the Lenten and Easter story as you have never experienced it. You'll feel like you are back in Jerusalem during Holy Week, the most momentous week in the history of the world, and the setting for this "special news report."
Here is the Lenten and Easter story as you have never experienced it. You'll feel like you are back in Jerusalem during Holy Week, the most momentous week in the history of the world, and the setting for this "special news report."
Set includes 2 DVDs: Bethlehem Year Zero -- The birth of Jesus and surrounding events as TV news would cover it today. Dateline Jerusalem -- Dateline Jerusalem -- Here is the Easter story as you have never experienced it. You’ll feel like you are back in Jerusalem during Holy Week, the most momentous week in the history of the world, and the setting for this "special news report." ?
Day of Triumph is a landmark film in cinematic history. As the first life of Jesus since the silent movie era, it allowed audiences to hear Jesus speak on screen for the first time.
Includes Come Follow Me, Resurrection, and Road to Emmaus.
A fast-moving exploration of all the major sites featured in the Gospels. Starting with the Annunciation, David Nunn follows through the Gospel drama chronologically, providing fascinating and illuminating insights into the life of Jesus. From Bethlehem, David takes us to Nazareth and its surrounding terrain, which witnessed so much of the Old Testament history of Israel. Then it is on to the wilderness, where John called people to repent, then to the River Jordan.
A fast-moving exploration of all the major sites featured in the Gospels. Starting with the Annunciation, David Nunn follows through the Gospel drama chronologically, providing fascinating and illuminating insights into the life of Jesus. From Bethlehem, David takes us to Nazareth and its surrounding terrain, which witnessed so much of the Old Testament history of Israel. Then it is on to the wilderness, where John called people to repent, then to the River Jordan.
Just days before the event, Curtain Call Productions was alerted by its friends in Israel that the Upper Galilee Choir and Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra would be performing Handel's Messiah at Tabgha, the traditional site of Jesus Christ's miracle of feeding the five thousand along the Sea of Galilee. Working quickly and in close coordination with The Benedictine Monastery Tabgha, a professional video and audio team with 5 digital cameras and 16 microphones assembled in sanctuary of Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fish and recorded this inspiring performance on December 14, 2002.
Just days before the event, Curtain Call Productions was alerted by its friends in Israel that the Upper Galilee Choir and Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra would be performing Handel's Messiah at Tabgha, the traditional site of Jesus Christ's miracle of feeding the five thousand along the Sea of Galilee. Working quickly and in close coordination with The Benedictine Monastery Tabgha, a professional video and audio team with 5 digital cameras and 16 microphones assembled in sanctuary of Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fish and recorded this inspiring performance on December 14, 2002.
Gospel Films Archive proudly presents a festival of four rare classic short films that celebrate the spirit of Easter as manifested by Christ's Crucifixion and Resurrection.
In this Hollywood version of the life of Jesus Christ, internationally acclaimed actor Max Von Sydow gives the performance of a lifetime, revealing the anguish and glory of Jesus. He is supported by an all-star cast including Charlton Heston, Jose Ferrer, Telly Savalas and many others.
Set in the days immediately following the crucifixion, a Roman centurion tells the story of Christ’s last days on earth from his unique perspective. This hardened soldier’s life was forever changed when he beheld the glory of the risen Christ.
Set in the days immediately following the crucifixion, a Roman centurion tells the story of Christ’s last days on earth from his unique perspective. This hardened soldier’s life was forever changed when he beheld the glory of the risen Christ.
Learn how the church adapted and transformed pagan tradition into the celebration of the Resurrection. See how culture, emperors, apostles and popes have influenced how we celebrate Easter today.
Learn how the church adapted and transformed pagan tradition into the celebration of the Resurrection. See how culture, emperors, apostles and popes have influenced how we celebrate Easter today.