"The Touch of the Master's Hand" is an inspirational and captivating film that speaks eloquently to the worth and potential of every individual. This film parable, based on the beloved poem by Myra Brooks Welch, illustrates why all life is valuable and that anyone can find renewal and begin again.
The Chosen tells the story of the first Christmas through the eyes of a shepherd whose life of suffering and rejection changes when he and his fellow shepherds receive a miraculous revelation.
Based on true events, this award winning short drama contrasts one man’s dedication to his family to another’s search for meaning in life. One, a Hungarian, risks his own life to save his family in a manner so unspeakably Christ-like that you will never forget it; the other, a despondent American photographer’s torn allegiance between his desire to capture history and a wife and children who desperately need him.
"The Touch of the Master's Hand" is an inspirational and captivating film that speaks eloquently to the worth and potential of every individual. This film parable, based on the beloved poem by Myra Brooks Welch, illustrates why all life is valuable and that anyone can find renewal and begin again.
The second short film from Vertical Church Films (The Ride), The Two Thieves (formerly entitled Once We Were Slaves) captures the uncommon grace and redemption of the crucifixion from a perspective that’s never before been captured on film.
This short drama will generate thought-provoking discussion. When eight-year-old Belle Richards disobeys her father, she puts herself and her younger brother in grave danger from a rock slide that would have meant sudden death, had not God intervened. Though she never told a soul about their miraculous rescue, years later her father would know exactly what happened. Through this event, Belle drew closer to God and learned the tough lesson of obedience. Includes two special extras: Remembering Belle and Director's Notes.