In Somebody's Daughter you meet four men who could be your neighbors. They were looked up to by wives, children, church folk. But porn was secretly eating each of them alive, just like it's eating millions in the world today.
The story of the notorious New York City notorious gang leader Nicky Cruz (Eric Estrada) and the skinny, Bible welding preacher, David Wilkerson (Pat Boone) is one of those rare films that has shown its unique power to connect with the deepest hopes and fears of youth around the world.
This beautifully produced travel/adventure documentary features stunning photography as it follows several mountain climbers as they attempt to summit one of the highest peaks in the Swiss Alps. Witness how their struggles and triumphs become powerful metaphors for their faith journeys. Christians and spiritual seekers will be challenged and inspired by the life lessons these climbers encounter at the Summit Cross. Lovers of extreme sports and nature will be especially fascinated by this striking documentary.
Who are the Watchers? Is a race of benign extraterrestrials secretly influencing the world’s governments? Are these creatures really ancient aliens sent to protect humanity from self-destruction, or are they evil beings set on deception as the world approaches its final days?
Since the early 1990s Christians all over the world have been singing the songs of modern-day psalmist, Dennis Jernigan. His music and ministry, sparked by his lifelong struggle with homosexuality and the healing that came through his relationship with Jesus Christ, have led him on a remarkable journey of redemption.
J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and George MacDonald were the pioneers of the fantasy genre, and their impact is unmistakable. Faith in Imagination: The Fantasy Makers examines the spiritual influences of these fantasy pioneers and the lasting impact their works have on our present-day culture.
Milltown Pride tells of a young man who dreams of playing professional baseball, his rise as a baseball star, his fall from grace, and the redemption he finds through faith and love.
In this emotionally charged program, teenagers open up their hearts with a rare and raw honesty to reveal the devastating hurt they feel inside when they cannot lovingly connect with their dads. Teens will find that they are not alone and will better understand what some of their peers are going through. Great for youth, dads, or family programs.
The Chosen tells the story of the first Christmas through the eyes of a shepherd whose life of suffering and rejection changes when he and his fellow shepherds receive a miraculous revelation.
J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and George MacDonald were the pioneers of the fantasy genre, and their impact is unmistakable. Faith in Imagination: The Fantasy Makers examines the spiritual influences of these fantasy pioneers and the lasting impact their works have on our present-day culture.
Overlord: A Mighty Host looks back seventy years on the greatest military operation in history when 150,000 Allied troops landed on the beaches of northern France. This awesome military event is examined from the point of view of those who survived that extraordinary conflict.
What must I do to be saved? That was the question asked of the apostle Paul nearly 2,000 years ago. His answer resonates to this very day.
Alaska Missionaries is a six-episode reality series about a team of intrepid missionaries who run the Suicide Prevention Summer Camp at Camp Nahshii on the upper Yukon River in central Alaska.