The story of the notorious New York City notorious gang leader Nicky Cruz (Eric Estrada) and the skinny, Bible welding preacher, David Wilkerson (Pat Boone) is one of those rare films that has shown its unique power to connect with the deepest hopes and fears of youth around the world.
Here is an important chapter in the steps leading up to the Reformation. The history books make little mention of this Bohemian priest and scholar who lived 100 years before Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation. Yet, John Hus was convinced and taught openly that the Bible should be presented in the language of the people, that salvation comes by faith in Jesus Christ, and the Word of God is the final authority. He taught in the University of Prague and as a pastor, challenged the abuses of medieval Christendom.
In this inspiring documentary, you will witness unique footage of the impact of one man's faith and what God can do when one obeys His call. Sunday's courage has an effect that no one dared to dream of: it changed the hearts of thousands of people.
Discover the deep conviction behind the man who followed God's call to this divine appointment.
Little Shepherd is a playful drama with an endearing message that will captivate the entire family. In the dark of night, the fields surrounding Bethlehem are alive with expectation. Wolves have been spotted and every shepherd is nervous -- including young Joel and his family. Yet what is about to happen is not expected at all!
Of the numerous intellectuals arrested after the Communist takeover of Romania, one was a renowned psychologist named Nicolae Margineanu. At the height of his professional career, this respected academic was arrested, subject to a show-trial and sentenced to 25 years in a brutal prison. His personal life and career were irreversibly damaged, and his wife and children suffered greatly.
Sabina K. is a powerful story based on true events, about a woman's desperate plight to save herself and her children in the most brutal of circumstances. Directed by Cristóbal Krusen. Viewer discretion advised due to mature themes. In Bosnian with English subtitles.
In this animated program, Hans the shoemaker learns the true meaning of Christmas as he receives the ultimate gift.
Based on Henry van Dyke's classic, The Story of the Other Wise Man, this fictional story set in Biblical times is told in gently comic terms. A Magi named Artaban (Martin Sheen) sees a sign in the heavens that he hopes will lead him and his faithful servant to the Messiah. Artaban takes with him three precious gifts to present to the Messiah. For 33 years Artaban pursues Jesus, only to miss Him at every turn.
Little Shepherd is a playful drama with an endearing message that will captivate the entire family. In the dark of night, the fields surrounding Bethlehem are alive with expectation. Wolves have been spotted and every shepherd is nervous -- including young Joel and his family. Yet what is about to happen is not expected at all!
In this animated program, Hans the shoemaker learns the true meaning of Christmas as he receives the ultimate gift.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. rallied his followers on the historic march from Selma to Montgomery in the face of violent opposition, an event that became a milestone victory for the civil rights movement. Starring David Oyelowo, Oprah Winfrey, and Tom Wilkinson, Selma tells the true story of courage and hope that changed the world forever.