William Tyndale tops King Henry VIII's "Most Wanted" list and is being pursued across Europe. What crime did Tyndale committ? William Tyndale's "crime" is translating the Bible into English for the common people. Is he willing to risk his life for this cause?
This is a brief, animated version of John Bunyan's timeless story - Pilgrim's Progress.
William Tyndale tops King Henry VIII's "Most Wanted" list in 1535 and is being pursued across Europe by the king's bounty hunters. What is his crime? Murder? Theft? No, none of these. William Tyndale's "crime" is translating the Bible into English for the common people. Is he willing to risk his life for this cause? This episode of The Torchlighters follows William Tyndale's adventures as he works in secret, moving from town to town as a fugitive to avoid capture. Friends and allies help him along, but enemies may be lurking around any corner.
Pilgrim's Progress, John Bunyan's classic allegory of the Christian walk still has as powerful an impact as when it was written 300 years ago! Presented in spectacular full color, this animated version is an excellent way to introduce the timeless story to children of all ages--and re-introduce its portrayal of the themes of the Christian life to adults as well.