Join Ken Curtis as he visits fascinating sites in Israel, among them the location traditionally said to be where Jesus gave the Beatitudes. This brief collection of sayings about our blessedness or happiness was the opening to Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Ken shows how the Beatitudes provide a whole new dimension in dealing with life's crises.
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This series builds upon two previous Reflections collections--Psalm 23: "You don't have to feel afraid anymore," and The Lord's Prayer: "You don't have to feel alone anymore." The programs are presented by Ken Curtis, who was diagnosed with advanced cancer with little prospect for survival.
Join Ken as he visits fascinating sites in Israel, among them the location traditionally said to be where Jesus gave the Beatitudes. They are a brief collection of sayings about blessedness or happiness, which was the opening to His Sermon on the Mount. Ken explores the richness and depth of the Beatitudes and challenges us to find blessedness out of our brokenness, a most difficult task for those who are confronted with cancer or any life trauma. We see how the Beatitudes provide a whole new dimension in dealing with our crisis. Along the way he shares his own journey in dealing with advanced cancer, including the process of sorting through various treatment options which often went far beyond the traditional methods recommended by doctors.
A companion guide is available for this series. Click on the "downloads" tab above. Widescreen.
REFLECTIONS ON THE BEATITUDES FOR PEOPLE WITH CANCER is the third in a DVD series that includes REFLECTIONS ON PSALM 23 AND REFLECTIONS ON THE LORD’S PRAYER. It is fascinating! The Beatitudes describe the character of a Christian. They are the goal, the yearning and the reward of the Christian life.
Ken Curtis, the host and writer of this series, is a walking miracle. He has survived with extremely virulent cancer for many years, including lung cancer. In these reflections, he helps people not only understand the Beatitudes in Jesus Christ’s Sermon on the Mount and the hope they off for us, but how they apply to someone in dire circumstances. Although he addresses the subject of cancer, his reflections will be a blessing to everyone and anyone who suffers from any physical, mental or spiritual trials. These reflections and the Beatitudes themselves provide a whole new insight into dealing with the world around us. This insight opens up the Kingdom of Heaven on this mortal coil.
As you screen these videos, you will feel greater peace, understanding and wisdom. They will be like the Balm of Gilead.
Like the other two DVDs, this video is shot in Israel. It ties the Beatitudes into the time and place that Jesus gave them.
The photography, the sound and the production quality are all excellent. There’s nothing objectionable. MOVIEGUIDE® highly commends this series.
Serious health issues are very personal. They fall into one's life and wreak havoc not only physically but emotionally, spiritually, interpersonally, and financially. When Dr. Ken Curtis was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer, he felt its impact in each of those areas just like any other cancer patient. Instead of letting the illness take over his life however, he let his life and beliefs take over the illness.
During the next few years as his illness ran its course, Curtis utilized various types of treatment but felt his faith and spiritual foundation as the ultimate weapon to help him cope with his cancer. His personal journey led him to consider what others in similar situations might experience and feel. This video series includes meditations derived from scripture that speak of comfort, peace, and offer inspiration, courage, and joy. Even though the meditations are reflections from Curtis's person journey through cancer, each one can bolster the faith of anyone with any type of acute or chronic illness.
This series of reflections for people with cancer; but its words of hope and resiliency during times of great stress and hopelessness are appropriate for any illness. Curtis looks at the Beatitudes as a way for the reader to search for the important aspects of one's life, faith and future. Curtis challenges those hurting from illness to look for the positives, the joy, and the blessings even though the negatives in life seem overwhelming. His ten reflections of 10-minutes each were filmed in Israel and can offer a patient, family or small group a new way to view the future.
Ken Curtis, founder and president of Gateway Films/Vision Video and the Christian History Institute, here offers spiritual sustenance to people with cancer, focusing on the famous Beatitudes section from Christ's Sermon on the Mount as recounted in the Gospel of Matthew (5:3-11). The fact that Curtis, who also made "Reflections on Psalm 23: For People with Cancer", has himself been diagnosed with two advanced forms of cancer lends his comments particular power. At the beginning of this program, Curtis recounts how a recent deterioration in his condition almost prevented him from undertaking this project. But he was ultimately able to once again travel to the Holy Land to visit sites that inspire his commentary on each of the Beatitudes--places such as the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethesmane, and the site of the Qumran community. In each case his thoughts lead to other scriptural passages--the parable of the Good Samaritan, for example--that help them deal with various situations and come to a deeper understanding of their illnesses. Curtis' soft-spoken approach, combined with the evocative locations and soothing background score, make this a potentially beneficial tool to those suffering with cancer or any serious ailment.
I have been using "Reflections on Psalm 23" in both my cancer support groups the last two months and the response has been phenomenal! Every single person loves them! They love the music, the scenery, your message--everything! I knew I really liked them, but my groups are quite diverse--men, women, all ages, caregivers, various "levels" of belief, all kinds of cancers and stages of it--so I wasn't sure how everyone would respond. The DVDs make it SO easy for me to do the group now because it's always hard to come up with something rather short but very inspirational. You have done it! I will be getting my webmaster to add them to my website and have been listing them on every list of resources I've been asked to make (including the American Association of Christian Counselors and its new DVD series "Challenging Cancer" supposedly coming out any day now.) I'd like to see my church offer these DVDs as a quarterly adult class and know that they would bless people in any trial--whether cancer or not. Thank you so much. What a blessing these are and will be to so many people. Thank you for your sacrifice to make them. I pray that your health holds up and you are able to keep bringing God much glory.
I am teaching the last lesson on the Psalms 23 DVD tonight and it's been a wonderful journey with the ladies in our cancer support group. Your work has been great and I love the pdf files to help guide me. These are great tools to help those who are on the cancer journey. And the most amazing thing happened at last night’s support group; one of the ladies with advanced breast cancer asked Jesus into her life! I still get goosebumps when I say it. We prayed with her and it was amazing. I praise God for bringing her to our support group and being able to walk with her during this journey. The next step is to start the Lord's Prayer and next year we plan to do the Reflections on the Beatitudes and I can't wait. Then I'll start back with Psalms 23.
The beauty of the Holy Land, and the marvelous teaching by Ken Curtis, are surpassed only by his transparency. Here we see a faithful man, displaying his love for Jesus, as well as reaching out, in His name, with sage advice to others who share his journey with cancer. You’ll want to watch it again and again.
I had the opportunity to watch this film on NET TV it is worthy of a five star production. The film pierces your heart and opens your mind that we can say thank God there is a God. I am saddened to hear of Mr. Curtis passing and will keep him in my prayers. I am ordering a DVD regarding this title for my friend who is suffering with cancer and I hope God touches him in the same way as Mr. Curtis.
Extremely carefully thoughtout reflections on how the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount can be applied to people enduring the disease of cancer and its treatment. However, my husband and I both found it is applicable to any disease at all indeed to the human condition itself which is of course what Christ Himself in the Beatitudes was addressing. I found myself utterly mesmerized by this seemingly totally approachable modest man when he delivered his message simply, directly and completely Christian all the way through. Highly recommended for absolutely anyone whether they are facing a debilitating disease or not. It very much reminded me of Lynne Hoppe, a missionary in Albania, who endured a bout with cancer and wrote about how God purified her through it and ultimately used it to bring her to His heavenly Kingdom just as He did with Ken. May their memories be eternal!