'Science disproves the existence of God' - and thanks to high profile scientists such as Prof. Richard Dawkins and Prof. Stephen Hawking - many people unquestioningly believe it. But many scientists and other academics of the highest caliber, are challenging this 'assault on faith.' Among them are three top Oxford professors: Professors Alister McGrath, John Lennox and Keith Ward.
Alternate formats: Digital Video - $2.99
'Science disproves the existence of God' - and thanks to high profile scientists such as Prof. Richard Dawkins and Prof. Stephen Hawking - many people unquestioningly believe it. But many scientists and other academics of the highest caliber, are challenging this 'assault on faith.' Among them are three top Oxford professors: Professors Alister McGrath, John Lennox and Keith Ward.
In this series of discussions hosted by Chris Jervis, these eminent professors discuss a range of relevant subjects in eight 20-minute programs. Widescreen.
1. Evidence, Faith & Knowledge
2. The Relationship between Science & Religion - Part 1
3. The Relationship between Science & Religion - Part 2
4. Exclusivism and Relativism
5. World Views
6. Design - a biological reflection
7. Design - cosmological reflection
8. The reasonable inference of faith
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Highly recommended! Forcefully makes the case for the reasonableness of faith. Each professor lays out extremely well developed reasoning from their various disciplines to counter the current assault on theism. A Tour de Force!