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C.T. Studd: Gifted Athlete and Pioneering Missionary

C. T. Studd had it all. Born into a wealthy upperclass family in England, he studied at Cambridge University and went on to become one of the country’s most celebrated athletes. But Studd realized that fame and flattery would not last, and as a Christian, he sensed a profound calling to forsake the things of the world and live for the world to come.

  • Item 501746D
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: DVD
  • Running Time: 48 min

Alternate formats: Digital Video - $2.99

Retail: $19.99
Price: $5.00
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  • Gold Crown Award for Best Television Format

    Won at 2018 ICVM Awards

  • Gold Crown Award for Best Documentary Under $50,000

    Won at 2018 ICVM Awards


C. T. Studd had it all. Born into a wealthy upperclass family in England, he studied at Cambridge University and went on to become one of the country’s most celebrated athletes. But Studd realized that fame and flattery would not last, and as a Christian, he sensed a profound calling to forsake the things of the world and live for the world to come.

Studd described his zealous, uncompromising faith as “muscular Christianity.” He reached countless people with the gospel message and challenged complacent Christians to engage in evangelism. Today his pioneering work continues through World Evangelization Crusade (WEC), the missions agency he founded in 1913.

Filmed on location in England and China, this docudrama explores Studd’s extraordinary life and teaching through expert interviews and engaging re-enactment scenes.

Editorial Reviews

Filmmaker Gary Wilkinson’s documentary tells the captivating story of Charles Studd, a renowned English cricketer who gave up the sport to become an ambitious missionary on a global scale. After accepting Jesus Christ as his savior, Studd yearned to do more in life than just reap fame as an athlete. When one of his two older brothers became seriously ill, Studd decided that life was too short to not try to make a difference. Studd became a missionary in China for several years (where he met his wife, Priscilla, with whom he had four daughters), and then moved on to India, Sudan, and Congo. Everywhere he went, conversions followed, and Studd took to calling his proselytizing a form of "muscular Christianity." Studd’s determination was so strong that some of his actions and words caused controversy, including his pronouncement that worldly matters are trivial compared to the work of Christ. Following his death in 1931, Studd’s legacy of missionary service on different continents continued to thrive and still does so today. Combining archival materials with dramatic re-enactments, this illuminating biographical profile is recommended. Aud: C, P. (T. Keogh)

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