This is Dr. Francis Schaeffer's spectacular series on the rise and decline of Western culture from a Christian perspective. This special edition includes an intimate in-depth interview with Francis and Edith Schaeffer, which is available only in this package. This program presents profound truths in simple language and concludes that man's only hope is a return to God's Biblical absolute — the Truth revealed in Christ through the Scriptures. Each episode focuses on a significant era of history while presenting answers to modern problems. Includes .pdf study guide on DVD.
Alternate formats: Digital Video - $4.99
This is Dr. Francis Schaeffer's spectacular series on the rise and decline of Western culture from a Christian perspective. This special edition includes an intimate in-depth interview with Francis and Edith Schaeffer, which is available only in this package. This program presents profound truths in simple language and concludes that man's only hope is a return to God's Biblical absolute — the Truth revealed in Christ through the Scriptures. Each episode focuses on a significant era of history while presenting answers to modern problems. Includes PDF study guide on DVD. Twelve 30-minute sessions. Fullscreen.
The Roman Age
The Middle Ages
The Renaissance
The Reformation
The Revolutionary Age
The Scientific Age
The Age of Non-reason
The Age of Fragmentation
The Age of Personal Peace & Affluence
Final Choices
Two-segment interview with Francis & Edith Shaeffer:
- Living with Suffering & Sickness
- God's Leading in L'Abri & Our Lives
This product does not yet have any editorial reviews
I have watched and listened to this video series countless times and it has been an amazing help in both understanding how we got to where we are in the world and where we are going. Francis Schaeffer is more then just an outstanding writer and thinker. He is a prophet. He did mean to be or I'm sure plan to be but if you watch this video series with your eyes, heart and mind open to what is being presented I think you will come to the same conclusion!
This is a fantastic series. It should be seen by every adult young and old as a basic background for understanding Western Culture's past and preceiving it's future! This series is timely and important. Do we know where we have been? Do we know where we are going? How Should We Then Live? will give us insights not generally found in contemporary literature.
This DVD by Francis Sharffer is true for all places and times. It indicates how the decline and fall of a Nation or any people group would be caused to occur and what could be done to avoid that decline or fall.
Carl Templin of the Pittsburgh Regional International Student Ministry at the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University used this series to challenge hundreds of International Students from around the world to look at how we should live by philosopher Francis Schaeffer. Many came to believe in Jesus Christ and many seeds were planted as a result.