The Animated Bible Series, currently in production, is the world’s first visual narrative of the entire Bible from creation and the fall to the kings and prophets, to the coming of the Christ and His final Revelation. This unique graphic-novel style depiction of the Bible will capture the imagination of new generations as God’s redemptive story unfolds in vivid visual language.
Episode 1: The Creation highlights Genesis chapter 1-3 revealing God’s creation, the fall of man, God’s judgment on mankind and on the crafty serpent, the banishing of Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden and the tree of life, and the promise of future redemption.
Episode 2: The Flood highlights Genesis chapters 4-11 and reveals what life is like after the Garden, Abel's murder at the hands of Cain, God's judgment for mankind's rebellion, the cursing of Canaan, and the Tower of Babel.
Episode 3: Job showcases the book of Job as Satan receives permission from God to attack Job, his friends give him poor counsel, and God appears in the storm.
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