Are science and Christian faith incompatible? Professor Stephen Taylor of the University of Liverpool presents two insightful lectures on the relationship between science and Christianity and argues that science and faith should not be enemies but friends. Taylor highlights scientists past and present who saw no contradiction between their faith and their scientific work, examples include: Michael Faraday, Lord Kelvin and Francis Collins. Taylor also lays out the evidence for intelligent design.
Discover the joy of SEEKING GOD FIRST that thousands have already experienced through this powerful, inspiring teaching program led by Anita Keagy, the founder of JoyShop Ministries.
You know of her through the TV series "Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye." Now here is the rest you didn’t know, and her story is sure to capture a place in your heart. In this program, Sue tells how God helped her overcome daunting obstacles to share her message of hope and inspiration with others.
LECTURE 1 -- Karma and Reincarnation: Foundations for Ethics and Personal Significance While much of secular philosophy tells us we can't know if we live in a moral universe, karma and reincarnation tell us the universe is a perfect system of cause and effect...whatever you did in your past life will catch up to you in the next life. But what about free will? Are we really just cogs in a cosmic machine? How does the Judeo-Christian worldview address the problem of ethical behavior and personal dignity?
LECTURE 2 -- Buddhism: Escape into Emptiness Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi says that Buddhism is a serious contender for religious preeminence in the West. Having rejected the Bible, many are attracted to Buddhism's offer of tranquility and escape from self. What does Buddhism teach and how does it compare to the Christian Gospel?
LECTURE 3 -- Hinduism: The Science of Becoming One with Everything Hinduism is a powerful worldview, and many facets of that worldview are gaining acceptance in the West. Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi traces the complex history of Hinduism in India and explores the ramifications of the idea that everything in the universe is one.
LECTURE 4 -- Yoga: Seven Paths of Salvation in Hinduism In this lecture we learn about the various types of Yoga and the spiritual worldview that forms the background of this popular practice. Dr. Mangalwadi answers the question: Can a person engage in Yoga as a form of exercise and relaxation without necessarily buying into all its religious implications?
LECTURE 6 -- Ecology: The Responsibility of Being Human Many believe that global warming and other ecological crises are the number one threat to humanity and the planet, while others believe that global warming is a hoax. Why are ecological issues so divisive? In this lecture, Dr. Mangalwadi explores various philosophies of the environment and asks: If the crisis is real, who is to blame? Is religion or secularism at the heart of the problem? How are we to understand the biblical mandate to “subdue and rule over the earth”?
LECTURE 7 -- Vegetarianism: The Ethics of Eating Meat In this lecture, Dr. Mangalwadi explores the history and meaning of vegetarianism from the Eastern religious viewpoint, the secular viewpoint and the Judeo-Christian viewpoint. Is vegetarianism healthier than eating meat? Is it cruel to slaughter animals for food? Why do most Christians reject vegetarianism?
In this seven-part series of fascinating lectures, renowned scholar Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi explores the philosophy and religious practices that evolved in and around his native India and contrasts them with Judeo-Christian beliefs.
This three-part series will help parents to appreciate the uniqueness of the preteen years. In program one you will learn this is your best chance to hold your child, spend time with him/her, instill values, read to him/her, help him/her to develop a sense of feeling and to teach the facts of sex. Program two illuminates the special characteristics of middle childhood, telling parents how to build loving relationships with their child. Program three examines the conscience and spiritual development of the child, and how the child derives identity, adequacy and worth.
LECTURE 5 -- Astrology: Let Us Make Man in the Image of His Stars Twenty-five percent of Americans take astrology seriously, according to a Baylor University study. Astrology is a central component of the New Age movement, and many use it as a tool for self-discovery. Do the positions of the stars really have any effect on personal and sociological events on the earth? Dr. Mangalwadi explores the evidence surrounding astrology and considers how it relates to the Judeo-Christian worldview.
This course will equip both counselors and church leaders to help Christian organizations prepare and implement procedures to prevent child and adult abuse and to take appropriate action when faced with allegations.
Over the centuries devout believers have sought for the best ways to bring their lives and thoughts closer to God. This wisdom is available for believers today and is effectively set forth in this four-part series. Richard Foster points the way to a new level of spiritual maturity through a rediscovery of the time-honored disciplines of Christian devotion. Use this series in small or large groups to spark a whole new interest in Bible study, prayer, and meditation.
In two of his last public addresses before his death in 1998, delivered at Samford University, Bishop Newbigin articulated his compelling vision for the Church and the Christian Gospel in the modern world. It was a vision that had distinguished Newbigin as one of the most incisive and insightful religious leaders of the 20th century.
Writing from her own experience as a widow, as well as a single missionary in the jungles of Ecuador, Elisabeth Elliot sensitively explores loneliness which she believes has reached "epidemic" proportions in today's fragmented and transient age.
The Faith & Science Lecture Forum hosted an engagement to discuss the question, "Is There Meaning in Evil and Suffering?" Ravi Zacharias was the featured lecturer and he presented a 45-minute address offering the Christian perspective to this concern.
In October 2000 the Faith & Science Lecture Forum hosted an engagement to discuss the question, "Who is the TRUE Jesus?" Ms. Peggy Wehmeyer, former religion correspondent for ABC News, moderated the debate.
Presenting the evidence for the existence of God is William Lane Craig, Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology. Dr. Craig earned a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Birmingham, England, and a D.Theol. in theology from the University of Munich, Germany. He is author of numerous articles in professional journals of philosophy and theology and has written over a dozen books, including Theism, Atheism and Big Bang Cosmology and Reasonable Faith.
Many Christians struggle with personal evangelism, sharing the message of Jesus Christ with others. One reason for this is that religion is generally considered a private affair in our society. To talk to others about your faith seems a little pushy and in bad taste. But Christian personal evangelism is not trying to convert others to your particular denomination, but to bring the good news about the love of God, forgiveness in Jesus, and the offer of a new life. The series shows why sharing Christ is important and provides Bible-based advice on how to witness.
At a seminar for high school students dealing with sex and relationships from a Christian perspective, Jason Evert, M.A. took the guys aside and Ellen Marie, M.S., took the girls aside for separate sessions where participants could ask any question they wanted related to this important subject area. The answers given are as candid as the questions but full of understanding and respect for the struggles of young people today.
Are science and Christian faith incompatible? Professor Stephen Taylor of the University of Liverpool presents two insightful lectures on the relationship between science and Christianity and argues that science and faith should not be enemies but friends. Taylor highlights scientists past and present who saw no contradiction between their faith and their scientific work, examples include: Michael Faraday, Lord Kelvin and Francis Collins. Taylor also lays out the evidence for intelligent design.
Dr. Stott shows from the pages of Scripture the uniqueness of Jesus and how He is the center of history. He demonstrates that there has never been another like Him on the face of the earth. Dr. Stott unfolds how the New Testament, in all of its parts with diverse but complementary perspectives, joins in a chorus of witness and praise to Jesus Christ as Savior of the world and the Lord of history.
Over the centuries the church has grown in its appreciation of the fullness of the person and work of Jesus. In this two-part lecture, Dr. Stott shows the glory of Christ and what He means for us and our world. He shows from history how the church has explored the reality of Christ from many directions. He discusses the interpretations, affirming their strengths and challenging their limitations.