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Gladys Aylward: The Small Woman With A Great God - .MP4 Digital Download

While in China, Gladys Aylward, began to take in unwanted children, eventually numbering about 100. With Japan invasion of China ongoing, Gladys and the 100 children traveled for days on foot across the mountains to safety. Gladys continued her work with children until her death in 1970.

  • Item 501289V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 1 Hr 2 Mins

Alternate formats: DVD - $5.00

Retail: $19.99
Price: $4.99


Gladys Aylward (1902-1970) may have been small in stature at barely five feet tall, but she was a giant of conviction! Even Hollywood was amazed by her story and made a movie about it, entitled The Inn of the Sixth Happiness.

This fascinating documentary presents the events of Gladys' life, chronicled by Carol Purves, author of
Chinese Whispers: The Gladys Aylward Story and accompanied by photographs, illustrations, and recordings of Gladys' own voice.

Young Gladys sensed a calling from God to leave London and go to minister in China. She worked as a parlormaid for many years until she had enough money saved for her passage. In 1930, she boarded a train and after many weeks and harrowing situations, she finally reached her destination.

In China she assisted aging missionary Jeannie Lawson. Together they opened an inn for mule drivers and told them stories about Jesus. After Mrs. Lawson died, Gladys began to take in unwanted children, eventually numbering about 100. With Japan invading China full force, Gladys and the 100 children traveled for days on foot across the mountains to safety. Gladys continued her work with children until her death in 1970.

See how this ordinary woman experienced the extraordinary, simply because she said "yes" to God.

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Customer Reviews

- a nice story

This was a fairly well done documentary. It starts in right away with commentary by a woman whom wrote a book about Gladys. She is present throughout the whole film as a key speaker. Her account is supplemented by a male narrator, a few people who had met or known Gladys, as well as a large portion being told by Gladys herself from a recording of an unknown origin of time. The stories are accompanied by actual photos, artistic renderings, and camera shots of the story tellers. It was easy to watch, easy to understand, and left no significant gaps. Some of the facts that you might not be familiar with are briefly explained to make sure youunderstand the story. I enjoyed watching it. Though it wasn't a Hollywood type production it is modern, don't expect to be awed by computer graphics and big sets. It was simple, direct, and worth the time.
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