Children will learn that God wants us to be thankful in all things.
This is a heartwarming presentation of the first Christmas that will help young children understand the true meaning of this occasion.
In this episode, through the example of Samuel who dedicated his life to God's service, we learn that we're never too young to hear God's call.
Children see how God can use young people to serve Him just as Daniel, Samuel and Josiah did.
Join Cherub as he entertainingly shows how much God does care about each one of us personally and individually.
Join Cherub as he takes us through an adventurous treasure hunt in search of eternal jewels left for us to discover in God's Word!
Children will discover how they only hurt themselves when they hold grudges and refuse to forgive.
This Cherub Wings adventure brings great delight while highlighting the benefits of healthy guidelines.
A fun-filled hour of the very best kid music videos from the popular “Cherub Wings” animated series. Your children will enjoy this musical and visual extravaganza while learning to apply Biblical principles at the same time!
Includes two adventures: Episode 1: Gideon, Reluctant Hero / Episode 2: Gideon, Warrior by Faith.
Episode 10: The King Needs Help -- King Saul has serious bouts of depression and David, a shepherd boy, is invited to come and play his lute for the king. Episode 11: Death Waiting -- After the event of the young David beating Goliath the giant, some ten years have passed. On occasion David still plays his lute for King Saul.
Episode 12: David on the Run -- King Saul wants David dead but has failed to get him killed on the battlefield. In his madness, Saul throws a spear at David while he plays the lute for the king. Episode 13: A New King -- King Saul is in hot pursuit of David, who is hiding in a cave. When the king walks into the cave, David has the opportunity to kill the man who is trying to kill him.
Includes two adventures: Episode 3: Naomi and Ruth / Episode 4: Ruth and Boaz.
Includes three adventures: Episode 5: The Invitation / Episode 6: Samuel's Destiny - Part I / Episode 7: Samuel's Destiny - Part 2.
Episode 8: A King for the Hebrews – The “teenpack” is transported back to the time of Samuel the Prophet. In his old age, Samuel asks God, on behalf of the restless Hebrews, for a King to rule them. Episode 9: Saul Takes Charge –This “teenpack” adventure finds the group at Saul’s father’s farm where Saul, a shy farmer, has become king of Israel. Saul’s newfound status has left him little time to consult with God and he is headed in the wrong direction. Teaches teens to decide how far one should we go with a leader who is headed in the wrong way?
This six-part international mini-series is intended for group discussion and study as well as for personal entertainment. Wan Chen, a marine biologist, must deal with her childhood beliefs, an unwanted pregnancy as a teenager, and finding God's forgiveness. She meets and marries Richard, a single-parent father whose wife died from a drug overdose. Together they journey into the questions of faith in an intellectually rigorous setting. They search for truth, finding God and Christ.
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen is eloquence at its very best. These timeless messages offer inspiring guidance, encouragement, peace of mind and spiritual comfort that will touch the heart. Two messages include: Ages of Man and Temptation
From the Emmy award-winning director Roger Young (Joseph and Jesus) comes the spectacular story of Paul the Apostle. This augmented adaptation, largely based on the biblical account, profiles Christ's most prolific messenger, Paul, originally known as Saul of Tarsus, was at the forefront of efforts to stamp out the early church until Jesus stopped him on the road to Damascus, forever changing his life and mission. He joyfully faced persecution, imprisonment, and peril in order to share the love and redemption offered by Christ.
This program looks at Augustine of Hippo, a bishop in North Africa in the 4th century and one of Christianity's most influential thinkers.
This film recounts the life and work of Dante.
A German nun and abbess, Hildegard was an intellectual, writer, composer, and artist. She wrote about music, art, medicine, natural history and theology. Her musical compositions are being played to this day. Hildegard is remembered also for her visions, which she wrote about in great detail. She was a renaissance woman far ahead of her time.
This film recounts the life and ministry of Ignatius Loyola.
This program looks at Julian of Norwich, recognized today as one of 14th century England's most compelling mystics.
This program looks at Teresa of Avila, one of the most colorful mystics of the Medieval Period.