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Sarah, Plain and Tall

A single New England woman responds to an advertisement by a Midwestern widower in which he asks for a bride to help him raise his two children Full Screen

  • Item 48901D
  • Region: US and Canada
  • Media Type: DVD
  • Running Time: 98 min
Retail: $14.99
Price: $7.99
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When Kansas farmer Jacob Witting (Christopher Walken) advertises for a "kind woman" to take care of his two motherless children, Sarah Wheaton (Glenn Close) travels from Maine to the prairie to start a new life. Sarah's lively devotion to her motherly duties soon overcomes the children's distrust by bringing love into their daily life. But Jacob can't let go of his late wife's memory..until a determined Sarah opens the door to his lonely heart and takes their family over the threshold to a bright new beginning. (CC) Full Screen

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