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Sequel to Sarah: Plain and Tall. Jacob's farm is in trouble from a severe drought. Jacob and Sarah begin to wonder if Sarah can stay, and what will happen to Jacob if she and the children have to leave the farm. Full screen

  • Item 97408D
  • Region: US and Canada
  • Media Type: DVD
  • Running Time: 98 min
Retail: $9.99
Price: $7.99
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Sequel to Sarah: Plain and Tall. It's been two years since Sarah came to Kansas as a mail-order bride: time enough to draw her ready-made family together, and for Jacob and Sarah to fall deeper in love. But a terrible drought is ravaging the land, and as crops fail and friends leave, the simple fabric of their lives is torn apart by the struggle to survive.

When a fire threatens their home and their lives, Sarah and Jacob are forced to make a difficult decison. Now a painful separation will test their courage, try their faith, and teach them that home is not just a piece of land...but a place within the hearts of those who love.(CC) Full Screen

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