Pressure to follow public opinion couldn't get much stronger. National hero Eric Liddell is Scotland's pride and joy. The entire country is eager for their running celebrity to sprint past the rest of the world and bring home Olympic gold in the 100-meter race. But when Eric makes the stunning announcement that he won't race on Sunday because of his religious convictions, he is soon labeled a disgrace and a traitor. See how Eric's famous stand during the 1924 Olympics prepares him for even greater challenges as a missionary to China during World War II.
Alternate formats: Digital Video - $2.99
Won at 2008 Worldfest Houston International Film Festival
ICVM 2009
ICVM 2009
ICVM 2009
Pressure to follow public opinion couldn't get much stronger. National hero Eric Liddell is Scotland's pride and joy. The entire country is eager for their running celebrity to sprint past the rest of the world and bring home Olympic gold in the 100-meter race. But when Eric makes the stunning announcement that he won't race on Sunday because of his religious convictions, he is soon labeled a disgrace and a traitor. See how Eric Liddell's famous stand during the 1924 Olympics prepares him for even greater challenges as a missionary to China during World War II. Fullscreen.
Torchlighters is a series of animated programs for youth ages 8-12, presenting the lives of true-life heroes from Christian history. When kids see what God can do through a "Torchlighter" who is devoted to carrying out His will and purposes, they too may want to carry a torch of faith by serving Him. For more information on the series, visit
Special DVD Features:
- English and Spanish languages with optional English & Spanish subtitles
- "Eric Liddell: Champion of Conviction, " 60-minute documentary
- Comprehensive Leader's Guide with four lesson plans, background information, and more (also available at
- Reproducible Student Handouts, including comprehension and discussion questions, puzzles, activities, coloring, and more (also available at
in PDF
- Interactive children's quizzes online at
From Olympic champion to missionary, the rest of the story beyond Chariots of Fire is told. Kids ages 8-12 will learn of Liddell's incredible experience in China during the Japanese invasion of WWII. Special features include leader's guide with four lesson plans, background information, reproducibles and more.
I am so thankful to the folks at the Christian History Institute for their quality animated DVDs that promote knowing the heroes of our Christian faith. Our children need good role models. They need to know their Christian "ancestors." They need quality movies to watch. Our children will receive all three of these things by watching these DVDs. Actually, I (aged forty-something!) watched these movies with my 85 your old mother and we were both moved by these stories. Scripture is quoted in each of them and important Biblical concepts are enhanced. When you see what God can do through a torchlighter, who is completely devoted to the Lord, your children (and you) will be inspired to serve Him more fully. Not only are the movies great, but the Web site,, has teacher's guides, student handouts, maps, games, crafts, activities, discussion questions, and more that can be downloaded and used with the DVDs if you wish to make this more than just good movie watching. If you're looking for quality resources that will teach your children to be committed to God and His truth, you’ll definitely want to check out The Torchlighters DVD series! Reviewed by: Betsy Lawrence
Exploring the story of Scottish national hero and Olympic Chariots of Fire champion Eric Liddell, the Christian History Institute production The Torchlighters: The Eric Liddell story is the latest volume in Vision Video's The Torchlighters animated Christian series for ages 8-12.
The church marquee tells passers-by, "God isn't looking for the able, He wants the available," "God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called," and "What God orders, He pays for." As trite as these may sound, the annals of history are chock full of stories of mere men being faithful in the small things and seeing God do the big things through them. Introducing your children to these heroes has just gotten easier. Vision Video has made available on DVD the Torchlighter series, featuring animated retellings of The Jim Elliot Story, The William Tyndale Story, The Eric Liddell Story and The John Bunyan Story. All of these heroes of the faith were sent by God to be faithful in the small things: reaching out to a remote tribe of hostile natives, translating the Scriptures into the common language of the people, remaining true to the faith in the face of wide acclaim and going against popular opinion, and suffering in prison while writing the second-bestseller of all time. But, far from Saturday morning fluff, these well-told stories are accompanied by extra features that help you and your family learn even more about God's work in the lives of these men. - Jim Bob Howard
With all the garbage out there passing for entertainment, it's always a treat to find something interesting, entertaining, and uplifting to watch. This cartoon video tells the story of Eric Liddell's life, beginning with his birth to missionary parents in China. His time in boarding school receives a brief mention before moving on to his running career and the Olympics. The story continues with his marriage and family life, his work as a missionary, and his death in a Japanese P.O.W. camp in mainland China. A man commonly remembered for something he didn't do, compete on Sunday, Eric Liddell's short life has many other lessons to teach. The providence of God is strongly portrayed in this uplifting story. The way Liddell continually sought God's will for his life is an example to every Christian. The story's Chinese narrator is a representative of the people that Liddell cared so deeply about and with whom he shared the gospel. The cartoon is well done, and the story is exceptional. The DVD includes a fifty-minute documentary about Eric Liddell, containing interviews with his oldest daughter, a well-known Liddell biographer, and a number of survivors from the Japanese internment camp where he passed away. A twenty-two page Sunday school leader's guide and sixteen pages of student hand-outs complete the package.
The Torchlighters video series is a series of animated DVD’s dedicated to “Highlighting the honor, integrity and life-changing experiences of those well-known and little-known Christian men, women and children who in response to God’s call, dedicated their lives to a life of whole-hearted commitment and passionate service to Jesus.” The series is targeted primarily at children between the ages of eight and twelve. It is a production of Christian History Institute along with International Films and Voice of the Martyrs. Previous entries in this series include brief biographical films of Jim Elliot, John Bunyan and William Tyndale. The fourth installment is The Eric Liddell Story.
I have watched all of these films with the family and we’ve enjoyed them. Like the others in the series, The Eric Liddell Story has moments that frightened the children—primarily when the Japanese Air Force was bombing China and the life of the story’s hero was in danger. But the film is definitely family fare. The quality of the animation has not really increased and it is a long way from the kind of animation you might see in the big-budget films on the silver screen. Still, my children didn’t seem to notice and they enjoyed learning more about Liddell. The film took them from his childhood in China, to his rise as one of the world’s fastest men, to his Olympic triumph and to his missionary service in China. It closes with his internment in a Japanese camp and stops short of his death there of a brain tumor. The story was narrated by a Chinese character representing one of the men who was saved through the ministry of Liddell.
Like all of the Torchlighters titles, this one is a 30-minute feature and also includes a previously-recorded documentary on the subject’s life. Like the others, it is a worthy addition to a family or church DVD collection. Future installments in the series promise to deal with the lives of Gladys Aylward and Richard Wurmbrand. And I look forward to watching those ones as well.
There is so much to talk about with children about Eric's story! I am already planning four sessions with my Sunday School class because I can't wait to use this material. Thank you for providing such great classroom resources!
I thought Eric's decision was a great decision because other people just want to become rich and famous, but he made the right choice.
It taught me how to never give up and to help other people.
I learned about how to have conviction, how to obey God, pray, and save the world with God's help.
What was interesting was, you always have to think first about other people, and you always need to think about God because He's always with you.
Torchlighters DVDs and study guides are top notch. I can't wait to start showing and teaching them. When we are finished, I am considering putting together a special program in front of the church with the kids about the Torchlighter series. I am not sure what that will be yet, but one thing I know is that because of the wonderful teaching guides you have provided, I have time to do things like this. Torchlighters is going to be the springboard for many exciting things our children will get to experience and share and I want to thank you again for creating such an amazing program of such quality. Everything is so well thought out and the artwork is beautiful. I know the parents will immediately see that we have chosen an exceptional program and the kids will be thrilled to see the posters start going up around the church.
All your movies are so moving. God has used so many. My favorite part of your movies is the Documentary found in the special features. These are tastefully done and I even let my 4 and 6 year old watch them. I think it is important and these are just as great for adults as children. Blessings....
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We have used some of your resources, such as the fun "torch race" with the story of Eric Liddell and during the Olympics. We have also developed some activities of our own to meet the interests of our group.
Just a quick note to say thank you so much for producing these DVD's!! Our 3 children (aged 6, 4 and 2) watch them constantly and it cheers our hearts to hear them play Amy Carmichael rescuing Preena instead of Cinderella and Snow White! (in fact our 2 year old son goes around the house yelling, "let me go, let me go!" which he learned from that movie!). We wanted something in our home that would enrich our children's lives and give them missionary hearts, and these movies do that perfectly. We have recommended them to all the families we know who have children. We are already looking forward to John Wesley!
Our family has watched your DVD's for years and we have been SO blessed by your materials!! We are so grateful that you've provided a Christian look at history, showed us stories of brave Christians, and built our faith — one episode at a time. And we thank you for stepping up to do this and providing <b>excellent</b> children's DVD's — a very rare thing indeed!