Diagnosed as totally deaf at the age of 18 months, Sue Thomas nevertheless went on to a successful career in the FBI. Her exploits were dramatized in the popular TV series, "Sue Thomas F.B. Eye." As an international speaker, Sue has shared the story of God's power to use her mightily in spite of tremendous obstacles.
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Diagnosed as totally deaf at the age of 18 months, Sue Thomas nevertheless went on to a successful career in the FBI. Her exploits were dramatized in the popular TV series, "Sue Thomas F.B. Eye." As an international speaker, Sue has shared the story of God's power to use her mightily in spite of tremendous obstacles. Now, Sue tells of her inner struggle to come to terms with her deafness. The painful reality of her situation led her to accuse God and tell an embarrassing lie that almost led to her expulsion from Bible Seminary. What did it take to bring Sue to a place of full surrender at the cross?
Sue's message is a personal call to "homecoming" for those who struggle to find their place in God's plan. It is also a call to the church to turn from the distracting noise of popular culture and return to her first love. Fullscreen.
Your patrons may remember the TV show Sue Thomas, F.B. Eye. The real Sue Thomas, a deaf FBI agent, shares her life story, telling the truth of her life before and after salvation. A compelling speaker, Thomas captivates an audience as she presents her testimony with grace and humor.
Extra features give insight to Sue Thomas Ministries. Thomas talks about the retreat center, service-dog kennels, Christmas ministry, and more. She also shares on a personal level about her love of music, new affliction of multiple sclerosis, and dogs. Robert McQuilkin, former head of Columbia Bible College, comments on Thomas and her life's work. Highly recommended.
Expert lip reader and FBI crime fighter Sue Thomas (whose real-life adventures were chronicled in the Pax network's 2002-2005 series Sue Thomas: F.B. Eye) here shares her moving story of faith and redemption—a tale that she says doesn't "fit neatly into an uplifting Hollywood script." Profoundly deaf since infancy, Thomas "who speaks clearly, eloquently, and passionately in front of a live audience) says her physical handicap has also been her greatest challenge. She recounts how being deaf has often served to separate her from others—something she found unbearable before making a grave mistake at seminary (she lied, telling people she had a terminal illness as a way to secure the attention of friends). Her subsequent surrender to God marked the beginning of a life of service and satisfaction. Thomas worked for the FBI for three and a half years, and while she never ran down the streets to catch bad guys, her contributions were critical. Starting as a fingerprint examiner (literally counting the lines of prints for eight hours a day, five days a week), she was rescued from this drudgery when her exceptional skills as a lip reader were recognized. Now an inspirational speaker, Thomas sees her work as helping individuals "who struggle to find their place in God's plan." Recommended.
A very heart moving story of a woman whom God has chosen out to use for His glory. Praying He will continue to give her strength and health, day by day, to meet every situation. Darlene Shofstahl
After watching episodes of Sue Thomas FBI serial TV program, I stumbled in to the testimony of the real Sue Thomas quite by accident. Do not miss her amazing real life story about overcoming the disability of total deafness and how her faith in God lifted her above the circumstances of her life and transformed her life with His love!
Oh my I was spellbound by her story! What a testimony! She is funny sincere, and a lovely, loving women. I could listen to her all day how God has truly blessed this women. Yes, it's true God makes no mistakes. I love her.