The story of Herb Gregg, who was abducted and held prisoner for seven months by militant Islamic extremists in 1998.
A lone monk’s actions 500 years ago continue to have a great impact. In “500: The Impact of the Reformation Today,” renowned Luther scholars from around the world reveal how the Reformation surrounds us more than we realize through religion, politics, and our society. This thought-provoking documentary was four years in the making, with portions shot on location throughout Germany where the actual Reformation events occurred.
A lone monk’s actions 500 years ago continue to have a great impact. In “500: The Impact of the Reformation Today,” renowned Luther scholars from around the world reveal how the Reformation surrounds us more than we realize through religion, politics, and our society. This thought-provoking documentary was four years in the making, with portions shot on location throughout Germany where the actual Reformation events occurred.
Examine the 1904 Welsh Revival through the eyes and thoughts of the Revivalist himself, 26-year-old Evan Roberts. Follow Roberts life from his conversion at 13 to the outbreak of Revival in November, 1904.
The history and impact of a spiritual phenomenon. During his long and distinguished ministry, Billy Graham has preached the gospel to well over 200 million people worldwide. The massive evangelistic gatherings that took place in sports arenas, concert halls, and outdoor venues became known as the Billy Graham Crusades.
During his long and distinguished ministry, Billy Graham has preached the gospel to well over 200 million people worldwide. The massive evangelistic gatherings that took place in sports arenas, concert halls, and outdoor venues became known as the Billy Graham Crusades. With expert commentary from pastors, academics, Graham associates, and fellow evangelists such as Luis Palau, this documentary gives the history of the crusades.
Charles Wesley broke many barriers to become "the most gifted and indefatigable poet and hymnwriter that England has ever known,". Charles would give music, heart ,and soul to the Methodist movement that he and his brother John Wesley led.
The life of Martin Luther is one of resolute conviction and steadfast faith. This documentary will examine the life and teaching of this great reformer. The program gives important historical background and explains the key doctrines expounded by Luther: With tenacity and bravery, Martin Luther inspired a Reformation that reverberates throughout the centuries.
A Man Named Martin – Part 3: The Movement completes the trilogy begun with Parts 1 and 2, The Man and The Moment. Here viewers will see how God was at work in the Reformation, in the lives of the men and women that shaped it, and in the societal transformations that resulted.
A Man Named Martin – Part 3: The Movement completes the trilogy begun with Parts 1 and 2, The Man and The Moment. Here viewers will see how God was at work in the Reformation, in the lives of the men and women that shaped it, and in the societal transformations that resulted.
Witness the interplay of personalities and events that led to the Protestant Reformation. From Luther’s inner struggles of conscience and faith to his call for debate with the Pope to his scathing rebuke of erroneous church practice, this installment examines the semi-scriptural and oft-times unethical teachings and doctrines of the late Medieval Church and how Luther addressed them. A cast of scholars and church leaders share their expertise on the cultural and religious milieu in which Luther operated.
Inspired by the best-selling autobiography "Why Me" by Jacob Damkani, A New Spirit tells the story of two brothers, Jacob and Shmuel, who grew up in a poor, traditional Jewish family. But when God steps in, everything changes.
Adoniram and Ann Judson were the first American missionaries sent abroad from the United States. The couple sacrificed enormously to bring the gospel to the people of Burma.
Adoniram and Ann Judson were the first American missionaries sent abroad from the United States. The couple sacrificed enormously to bring the gospel to the people of Burma.
A literary review of C.S. Lewis’ classic, “The Screwtape Letters”
A literary review of C.S. Lewis’ classic, “The Screwtape Letters”
Alaska Missionaries is a six-episode reality series about a team of intrepid missionaries who run the Suicide Prevention Summer Camp at Camp Nahshii on the upper Yukon River in central Alaska.
For generations the name Albert Schweitzer has been synonymous with hands-on compassion and the power of Christ-like sacrifice. Now director Gavin Miller presents a landmark drama about the legendary Christian medical missionary.
For generations the name Albert Schweitzer has been synonymous with hands-on compassion and the power of Christ-like sacrifice. Now director Gavin Miller presents a landmark drama about the legendary Christian medical missionary.
The true story of a brave missionary woman and her battle to rescue young girls from unspeakable evil.
The true story of Amy Carmichael, a brave missionary woman and her battle to rescue young girls from unspeakable evil.
This moving investigation looks at five heroic martyrs—Augustus, Clement, Cecilia, Apollonius, and Agnes—who lived during years when Christians were cruelly persecuted and martyred.
This is the story of Edwards and his remarkable wife Sarah as seen through her eyes. Sarah is played by Maggie Rowe, who adapted for the screen her one-person play performed for several years across America. The life of the Edwards makes for an incredible story.
Andrew Murray (1828-1917) was a South African minister, writer and revivalist. For more than six decades he served with the Dutch Reformed Church of South Africa, preaching, teaching and writing more than 200 books and pamphlets. Murray became an international figure through his writing and today many of his works are considered devotional classics. Shot on location in South Africa, this documentary tells the story of Andrew Murray’s life and mission and provides insight into his provocative teaching.