The Academy Award-winning musical about Tevye, a poor Jewish milkman in a Czarist-era Russian village whose life is filled with joy and sadness but always buoyed by the human spirit and his faith in God. Struggling in a time of political flux to find husbands for his three dowry-less daughters, Tevye faces life's challenges with a love of life, devotion to his family, and eternal hope.
This ambitious project is designed to be the most detailed worldwide television presentation of the Orthodox Church, Her traditions, and Her sacramental life. The programs, produced in English and Greek, will serve as an educational tool for the Christian Orthodox Church in addressing the needs of a world-dispersed audience, and in making Orthodoxy better understood among those who are unfamiliar with this ancient Christian Church.
Two documentaries on the global issue of human-trafficking.
This Changed Everything: 500 Years of the Reformation celebrates the fruits of the Reformation while exploring difficult questions about the cost of division: Could schism have been avoided? Is there hope for reunification? What did Jesus really mean when He prayed for His followers to be "one"?
This 5-DVD pack includes John Wycliffe: The Morning Star, God's Outlaw, Martin Luther, The Radicals, and John Hus.
This docu-drama includes six episodes on the life of the Old Testament hero Daniel.
This set includes the DVD Many Beautiful Things and Christian History magazine #148 on Lilias Trotter.
This set includes the DVD Asbury Revival and Christian History magazine #149, the first in a three-part series on Revivals.
This is Dr. Francis Schaeffer's spectacular series on the rise and decline of Western culture from a Christian perspective. This special edition includes an intimate in-depth interview with Francis and Edith Schaeffer, which is available only in this package. This program presents profound truths in simple language and concludes that man's only hope is a return to God's Biblical absolute — the Truth revealed in Christ through the Scriptures. Each episode focuses on a significant era of history while presenting answers to modern problems. Includes .pdf study guide on DVD.
He was the most famous and dynamic preacher of the 18th century.
In the 1970s, young Greg Laurie (Joel Courtney) is searching for all the right things in all the wrong places, until he meets Lonnie Frisbee (Jonathan Roumie), a charismatic hippie-street-preacher. Together with Pastor Chuck Smith (Kelsey Grammer), they open the doors of Smith's languishing church to an unexpected revival of radical and newfound love, leading to a JESUS REVOLUTION that changed the world. PG-13.
I Heard the Bells tells the inspiring true story behind the beloved Christmas carol and its author, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Known as America's Poet, Henry leads an idyllic life—until the day his world is shattered by tragedy. With a nation divided by Civil War and his family torn apart, Henry puts down his pen, silenced by grief. But it's the sound of Christmas morning that reignites the poet's lost voice as he discovers the resounding hope of rekindled faith.
Includes five issues of Christian History magazine (#115 Martin Luther and the Reformation; #118 The People's Reformation; #120 Calvin, Councils, and Confessions; #122 The Catholic Reformation; and #131 Women of the Reformation) and a foldout timeline.