John Wesley is well known as the spiritual father of Methodism. His heartfelt struggles, his passion for authentic faith expressing itself through meaningful kingdom work, and his message of saving grace resonate with audiences of all ages and denominations.
Dr. David Livingstone took the Gospel to Africa in word and deed. As a medical doctor he treated the sick, earning him the necessary trust and respect to teach the love of Christ which many Africans freely embraced. Then Livingstone turned his attention to exploration, seeing this work as much a spiritual calling as traditional missionary work. Facing danger and sickness he forged routes deep into the African interior sparking the imagination of many who would follow.
J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and George MacDonald were the pioneers of the fantasy genre, and their impact is unmistakable. Faith in Imagination: The Fantasy Makers examines the spiritual influences of these fantasy pioneers and the lasting impact their works have on our present-day culture.
Adoniram and Ann Judson were the first American missionaries sent abroad from the United States. The couple sacrificed enormously to bring the gospel to the people of Burma.
A delightful and kaleidoscopic presentation of the great composer's music with dramatic biographical sketches from Bach's life.
This documentary tells the story of Frank Jenner, a street evangelist who at the height of WWII led many to Christ by asking a simple question: “If you died within 24 hours where would your soul be in eternity, Heaven or Hell?” Learn about Jenner’s life and hear from the many people who came to faith through his outreach.
Everybody knows the story of Santa Claus, the red–suited figure who lives at the North Pole and distributes gifts to good children every Christmas eve. But is there any historical evidence on which this jolly old character is based? Was there a real Santa Claus? To answer that question, host Mark Wilson, a distinguished historian and archeologist travels not to the North Pole but to modern day Turkey and Italy. There he uncovers clues that lead to the truth about the man behind the legend.
Part 1: The Man. The life of Martin Luther is one of resolute conviction and steadfast faith. This documentary will examine the life and teaching of this great reformer.
Newton’s Grace is the true story of a real “Prodigal Son,” the story of miraculous forgiveness and change that lies behind the powerful words of one of the world’s most beloved hymns.
Many Beautiful Things tells the story of Lilias Trotter, a 19th century British painter who sacrificed artistic fame in order to serve God as a missionary in Algeria. Featuring the voices of Michelle Dockery (Downton Abbey) and John Rhys-Davies (Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones).
A lone monk’s actions 500 years ago continue to have a great impact. In “500: The Impact of the Reformation Today,” renowned Luther scholars from around the world reveal how the Reformation surrounds us more than we realize through religion, politics, and our society. This thought-provoking documentary was four years in the making, with portions shot on location throughout Germany where the actual Reformation events occurred.
C. T. Studd had it all. Born into a wealthy upperclass family in England, he studied at Cambridge University and went on to become one of the country’s most celebrated athletes. But Studd realized that fame and flattery would not last, and as a Christian, he sensed a profound calling to forsake the things of the world and live for the world to come.
A Man Named Martin – Part 3: The Movement completes the trilogy begun with Parts 1 and 2, The Man and The Moment. Here viewers will see how God was at work in the Reformation, in the lives of the men and women that shaped it, and in the societal transformations that resulted.
One of the most influential and yet little known figures of eighteenth-century American evangelicalism. Filmed at historical locations throughout the northeastern U.S., David Brainerd: Missionary to the American Indians tells the story of the visionary eighteenth-century missionary whose efforts led to spiritual revival amongst native tribes and inspired generations of Christian leaders to follow in his footsteps.
A look at the accomplishments of this remarkable 100-plus-year-old man.
An intimate portrait of the influential missionary's life and legacy.
In honor of Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador, the Romero Collector's Edition film has been remastered and chronicles the amazing true transformation of an apolitical, complacent priest to a committed leader, who started a revolution without guns, without an army, without fear.
Alaska Missionaries is a six-episode reality series about a team of intrepid missionaries who run the Suicide Prevention Summer Camp at Camp Nahshii on the upper Yukon River in central Alaska.
"Fearless Freddie" was a man who saw his enemy as also his brother, offering aid to Japanese survivors of his attacks.
How does a plot that involves the assassination attempts of President Reagan and Pope John Paul II, KGB scheming, and CIA intrigue become the final act to topple the Soviet Empire?
What happens when we surrender our dreams to God? This is the true story of missionary pastor Scott Campbell.
When all signs indicate that Logan won’t pull through a traumatic injury, his family witnesses God’s miraculous power.
Learn about Patrick’s extraordinary life in this docu-drama, featuring enlightening interviews with noted scholars and captivating reenactments of Patrick’s life.
This documentary explores Newton’s life from his turbulent youth to his involvement in the 18th century African slave trade, his dramatic conversion aboard a sinking ship and on through his remarkable ministry as an evangelistic preacher, hymn writer and abolitionist.