No Bright Lights gives an up close and personal profile of Networks Romania, a Christian relief organization reaching out to some of Romania’s poorest people. In a shifting social and political environment many Romanian children find themselves abandoned to the streets where they experience extreme poverty and injustice. Networks Romania works with the community to help stabilize families through word and deed expressions of the Gospel.
This International Media Ministries short focuses on brokenness.
After unintentionally causing the death of his boss' daughter by his negligence, Carl desperately wants to be forgiven. Carl's boss, Gary, allows Carl to keep his job and maintain their friendship. But when an accident occurs with a new hire, Carl must choose whether or not to forgive as he has been forgiven.
The Pink Room is a true story of redemption, ordinary people becoming heros, Cambodians rising up with compassion to take back their country, and a town’s process of rebuilding from the inside-out. In a world where it is estimated that there are over one million children held captive and sexually abused, a flower blooms in the heart of Cambodia.
Do you ever wonder if your life counts for anything and whether anyone really cares? This clip explores the question of our personal significance in an artistic and emotional way. When we discover the perfect love of God and how it fills the empty hole of insignificance, it can set us free to love others and changes our focus- to love and be loved.
In Somebody's Daughter you meet four men who could be your neighbors. They were looked up to by wives, children, church folk. But porn was secretly eating each of them alive, just like it's eating millions in the world today.
With God On Our Side takes a hard look at the theology and politics of Christian Zionism, which teaches that because the Jews are God’s chosen people, Israeli government policies should not be questioned, even when these policies are unjust.
A two-part documentary on the global problem of human trafficking and the modern-day abolitionists who are fighting it.
Things are not always as they seem... especially when entering the halls of a desperate mind in this gripping supernatural thriller. Struggling to keep her fragile sanity from unraveling, Prosecutor Ann Brown is offered a murder case that will challenge everything she believes to be true.
This moving historical documentary explores the remarkable spirit and faith of the Volga German people. These German nationals emigrated to the Volga region of Russia during the time of Catherine the Great in pursuit of a dream… the promise of freedom and local self-government in their newly adopted homeland.
This course will equip both counselors and church leaders to help Christian organizations prepare and implement procedures to prevent child and adult abuse and to take appropriate action when faced with allegations.
In this three-part series, hosts Margaret and Jeremy Collingwood introduce us to people who have discovered how retirement can be challenging and full of purpose.
The film uncovers the secret of this amazing survival and growth under oppression It examines the growth of the Meserete Kristos Church in Ethiopia.
Abbey, a typical American teenager comes face to face with the persecution of the Chinese Christians and the all-too-common ignorance of Christians in the free world.
This is the story of Edwards and his remarkable wife Sarah as seen through her eyes. Sarah is played by Maggie Rowe, who adapted for the screen her one-person play performed for several years across America. The life of the Edwards makes for an incredible story.
During the Second World War, racist laws in Italy forced thousands of Jews to flee their cities in search of safe haven. A few hundred of these refugees, facing dangerous obstacles along the way, reached Assisi, the city of St. Francis.
This film reveals both the tremendous challenges and deep joys of raising a child with a developmental disability.
Beyond Torture documents the persecution of Romanians under the communist regime. You'll hear firsthand stories of the persecution of Romanians under Stalinist communism.
Alcoholism destroys lives and injures families. Fortunately there is hope! The time-tested wisdom and compassion of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen for those coping with alcoholism has been gathered in this special three-part collection of messages.
Black Oasis provides an authentic, cautionary look at the struggles teens face and the dark forces that seek to rip families apart everyday.
The true story of Nicoleta Valery Grossu's amazing survival in a Romanian Communist prison camp and how faith in the Lord strengthened her.
This one-hour documentary presents the stories of inmates that bring clarity to Jesus’ teaching as they share the blessedness of the beatitudes in their own lives.
The heroic Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who rebelled against the evil of Nazi Germany and vehemently opposed Hitler during World War 2, could have kept his peace and saved his life on several occasions but instead paid the ultimate price for his convictions.
Mark van Rensburg is a self-made businessman with two companies, a commercial fishing boat and many medals and awards as a judo champion. His aggressive approach towards life, however, was fueled by a deep anger towards God. A turning point came when he was tragically paralyzed from the neck down as the result of an auto accident. Doctors were surprised he survived at all and gave him less than six months to live. But Mark, as strong-willed as ever, vowed he would walk again.